
盆栽研究家 川﨑 仁美 かわさき ひとみ
2014-2015年、米国 エドワード・C・ジョンソン財団(フィデリティ証券)の奨学金を得てアメリカ、イギリスに園藝留学。各国の園藝技術・思想・運営を学ぶ。
Googleの美術工芸アーカイヴ「Google Cultural Institute」盆栽項の監修&執筆(2016)、「二条城 盆栽展−京彩」京都盆栽大使(2017)、京都造形芸術大学非常勤講師(2017-2018)、『京都新聞』コラム「現代のことば」隔月連載(2018−2020)、北野天満宮「曲水の宴」第一歌人(2020)、『THE NEW YORK TIMES STYLE MAGAZINE』特集記事(2021)、スタンフォード大学「Stanford Program in Kyoto」盆栽講義(2024-)。
文化庁 文化創造アナリスト(2021-)、2026年著書を刊行予定。
◯『BRAIAN ENO AMBIENT KYOTO』(2022-) 企画・制作/ 文化ディレクション
◯ 映画『京町家 秦家の暮らし』プロデューサー: 川﨑仁美 監督: 佐藤広一 (2026年完成予定)
- 奨学金
- Edward C. Johnson Fund (Fidelity) 米国 2014
- 留学
The National Trust:
Hidcote Manoer Garden:
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew:
Sissinghurst Castle Garden:
Hitomi Kawasaki (BONSAI Researcher/Curator)
Born in 1980 in Kyoto, Hitomi has worked as a navigator for a bonsai magazine since she was a senior in high school. She later became a self-taught bonsai researcher, and has been working as "Gendai Bonsai" since 2002.
Hitomi specializes in lecturing and curating bonsai in both Japan and abroad with the keyword "Japanese Bonsai - Small Big Trees”.
Since 2009, she has been in charge of publicity and interpretive tours for the "Taikan Exhibition of Japanese Bonsai" (Kyoto International Exhibition Hall /November).
After 10 years of fieldwork, she entered the graduate school of Kyoto Institute of Technology and completed her master's degree in 2012 (Master of Engineering); she received her curatorial license in 2013; completed her doctoral credits in 2017; and received her doctoral degree in 2015.
In 2014-2015, she received a scholarship from the Edward C. Johnson Foundation (Fidelity Securities) to study in the United States and the United Kingdom. Studied the techniques, philosophies, and management of the art of the garden in each country she visited.
Hitomi also supervised and wrote the bonsai section of the Google Cultural Institute, Google's arts and crafts archive (2016).
Kyoto Bonsai Ambassador for "Nijo Castle Bonsai Exhibition" (2017).
Part-time lecturer at Kyoto University of Art (2017-2018).
Bimonthly column in "Kyoto Newspaper," "Contemporary Words" (2018-2020).
First poet of "Kyokusui no En" at Kitano Tenmangu Shrine (2020).
Technical examiner and cultural creation analyst for the Agency for Cultural Affairs (2021-). She book is scheduled to be published in 2023.
◯2022.6.3 - 8.21 "BRAIAN ENO AMBIENT KYOTO"
Planning and Production/Cultural Direction
Scholarship:Edward C. Johnson Fund (Fidelity), USA 2014
Studying abroad: "Longwood Gardens" in the U.S. and at "Hidcote Manor Garden", "Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew", and "Sissinghurst Carsele Garden" in the U.K. with the National Trust.